Saturday afternoon and a glorious Spring day on the River Wey between Shalford and Guildford. Martin has invited me to help him test out his new two man kayak.
This is going to go one of two ways; I was going to say swimmingly but that is exactly the way neither of us want it to go! Or it is going to be a fun afternoon well spent.
What we discovered was that we were only going to make it to Guildford and back if we worked together as a team.
Simply getting into the canoe from the riverbank needed one to hold the craft steady with an oar whilst the other climbed into their seat and steadied the canoe for the other to follow them.
Paddling down the river and staying on the right hand side required coordination of paddle strength and pace. The chaos that is the river at Guildford needed extra coordination in order to avoid other rowers and river users.
My analogy with this afternoon of fun on the water is the teamwork we employ as a firm of Chartered Financial Planners to deliver advice and review services to our clients.
Each of us brings our own knowledge experience and skill to bear. If we don’t work together in a coordinated fashion someone will suffer the financial planning equivalent of a ducking and that is to be avoided.