Our latest Investment Outlook report for the second quarter of 2012 is now available to download.
Informed Choice Investment Outlook Q2 2012
We publish this document once a quarter to record the conclusions of our formal Investment Committee process.
This process puts us in a very strong position to make tactical asset allocation decisions to exploit short term market conditions and any associated investment opportunities.
It’s been another interesting quarter for investors.
Investors have been generally rewarded for their holdings in risk assets, with stock markets reaching their pre-crisis highs and a general sense of optimism returning.
The worst of the eurozone sovereign debt crisis has been tackled once more, which probably means a postponement of the issues rather than a lasting resolution.
Whilst the economic recovery in the UK remains fragile, there are some indications of a return a double-dip recession this year. Global economic outside of Europe appears to be faring much better, with high commodity prices the main risk factor as these can act as a brake on growth.
We hope that you find our report useful. If you have any questions, please do contact your Financial Planner at Informed Choice, or get in touch to find out about becoming a client.