Are you one of our clients here at Informed Choice?
We would know if you were and so would you of course, but what do clients of Informed Choice actually look like?
They are unsurprisingly really splendid people and they share some common attributes, not necessarily all of them, but they do have some points in common.
-They may well be part of the post-war baby boomer generation; generally considered those born between 1946 and 1964 so between ages 55 and 73. Some of our clients at Informed Choice are of course younger and some are older;
-A lot of our clients have retirement at the front of their minds because they are either enjoying that phase of their life already or they are planning for it before too long;
-Generally speaking, Informed Choice clients have somewhat complex financial affairs. After all if their financial affairs were simple, they probably wouldn’t need the services of a professional Financial Planner;
-That complexity sometimes means that they are confused by the wide range of choices and options available. This is particularly so when it comes down to the way in which they might generate future income in retirement;
-All of our clients at Informed Choice want guidance and advice in order to make good decisions. After all, no one wants to make a bad decision that will damage their financial future;
-Sometimes they are members of the sandwich generation. This means our clients may have parents that they are concerned about financially. This is often due to care fees needs. They also often have children or grandchildren who they take some financial responsibility for;
-Many of them are used to dealing with professional advisers, indeed they may have been introduced to Informed Choice by their Accountant or Solicitor;
-They have accumulated assets (typically property, pension funds, ISAs and cash deposits) and want to employ those assets to best advantage;
-They may be in the fortunate position of having little or no debt having planned to pay that off during their working lifetime;
-Our clients at Informed Choice may well be computer literate and use technology as part of the communication mix that they are comfortable with;
-Whilst we are based in Cranleigh in Surrey and Petersfield in Hampshire, and many of our clients are living in the GU6 postcode or GU32 +/- 10 miles, our clients at Informed Choice are based around the UK and primarily in the South East of England;
-They are genuinely nice people and we like that they are fully engaged with the Financial Planning process and have a positive experience of dealing with us.
Does any of that sound like you?
If so you need to know that we make really good tea and coffee and always offer a no obligation meeting at our expense if you would like to chat.