On Saturday we had a wonderful day at Spring into Cranleigh.
Over 120 Cranleigh residents accepted a gift from us of a Field Maple sapling.
We had purchased these from the Woodland Trust and repotted each one in hessian or newspaper pots.
The Field Maple is a native tree, good for wildlife and with lovely autumn foliage. The thought of potentially another 120 trees in and around Cranleigh is really quite exciting.
Many of those who accepted this gift from us were also able to share (anonymously) their financial dreams and wishes, and we have reproduced some of them below.
It was really good fun to engage with local residents and find out more about them.
[vimeo 93739273 nolink]We have tried to categorise some of the wishes and dreams that were shared;
Financial planning and the family
“To worry no more about money”
“To pay off our mortgage”
” To have enough for freedom”
“Just to have enough”
“Enough to retire and write my first novel”
” Learn to drive and buy a car”
” Have enough money to buy a house big enough for the family”
“To fund everything my little girl wants to do with her life”
” To be financially secure in our family home for life”
“I would give it to my lovely family”
“To have enough to look after my family”
Financial planning and the wider world
“Free water and energy for all”
“To stop whale poaching”
“Spend lots of money on animals”
“To end world poverty”
“Enough money to be able to share/give to other people”
“My financial dream is to have enough income to donate half of it”
Financial planning and a bit of luck!
“An indoor swimming pool!”
“To win £1,000,000 Premium Bond – for my children”
“Win the lottery”
“May I have lots!”
Financial Planning and the much younger ones
“To buy a castle”
“To have a big house”
“I wish I lived in the Queen’s palace”
“To buy a complete set of the Wizard of Oz toys”
Thank you to everyone who took part and for the fun you gave use telling us about you and your financial dreams and wishes.
Please do share any photos of your Field Maple saplings as they grow, using the hashtag #mymoneytree.