Lockdown is getting a little bit tedious now.
I fully appreciate that I haven’t got much to moan about, but I am looking forward to getting back to some semblance of normality.
Yesterday my eldest grandson posed a perfectly reasonable question, “Grandad, when will they announce that I can give you a hug?”
I didn’t have a reasonable answer, I am afraid.
A friend I bumped into (metaphorically speaking) in the village said that this was the kind of question that should be posed during the daily briefing, being much better than many of the questions asked by the media.
We had some lovely news this week. Andy has been awarded a special honour.
The outgoing Mayor of Waverley Borough Council, Councillor Mary Foryszewski announced several Community Champions. These people do things to make Waverley (and Cranleigh in particular) a better place to live, and Andy was one of those Champions.
When you consider the many hours that she puts into weeding watering and planting in the village for Cranleigh in Bloom – and her artistic endeavours for Cranleigh Rocks – it’s well deserved.
She also works hard to keep the place as litter-free as possible.
My exercise regime keeps taking me through the lovely countryside we have around here, and occasional trips to the area set aside for wildlife, and it keeps getting better and better.
Here is a photo of a Common spotted orchid (what a pejorative word “common” can be?!) there are quite a few on the site along with a lot of other wildflowers (another place where Andy puts in regular stints to keep it working well)
It’s raining today for the first time in ages, but that’s a good thing because the gardens certainly need it.
Finally, a quick question; when during the lockdown was the 30mph speed limit abolished? I must have missed the announcement!