Yesterday I wrote about the poor service of a couple of providers, AVIVA and Capita.
Today the former seem to be going out of their way to wind us up even further.
We have engaged with a client to provide an advice report part of which is to review his four existing pension plans and provide an analysis and advice in respect of them.
The client has provided a letter of authority to us and we wrote to AVIVA asking for a complete history of the pension plan policy; the usual details such as valuations, projections and contribution and investment history.
Part of this data arrived in the post but some elements were missing.
Lizanne made a follow up phone call to find out when we would get the outstanding data which was the contribution and investment history.
She was told “We are not prepared to provide a contribution history on any policy without a Court Order”.
Seriously, they want a Court Order to compel them to provide information to a policyholder?! I accept this might be the case in terms of Pensions on Divorce.
Whatever happened to the helpful organisation that respected the relationship between the IFA and their client and understood the value of providing relevant information in a timely fashion?
Oh, forgive me that was never AVIVA was it.
The senior management of this dinosaur organisation should hang their heads in shame. I doubt that they will though.
Photo credit: Flickr/InfoMofo